September 6th, 7th, 8th 2024
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We have been requested to come up with an overnight ride. This has been discussed, and a ride from Hell to Paradise was speculated on. It has recently been suggested that might be a bit long for a Saturday/ Sunday. There is a poll on our Facebook page, with options for a couple of destinations, and a couple of weekends. One of the main considerations, Is a long ride day 1 to get there, and again on day 2 to get back. Leaving Friday on a 3 day weekend is a solution. I personally probably don't have enough vacation to add a Friday if I'm not already having a a holiday, but we will worksomething out.
Please respond to this poll. It appearse the few people who wanted to go, either haven't seen it, or haven't replied yet. It is becoming near the wire, and at this last meeting a request was made for us to lock down a date. We're trying. :)
We would like to know if you are planning to go on the DGR, and will you be joining us at Detroit Triumph in Shelby Twp. for a group ride to the event? Please respond to this thread.
For folks interested in this yearly event in downtown Flint, which features a cool LARGE group ride, here’s a link:
That's a great ride! And by LARGE, he means around 1,000 bikes! The one year, the front arrived around the same time the back left the staging area. Completely surrounding Flint with a police escort that was illegal to break through..
What do you think of the new Scout?
Probably just the one this year... really need different handlebars before I ride it much, the short one kill my back. The new scout looks great. It seems to have a lot of the most popular mods, already designed in.
Due to the low interest in starting a group ride from Spartan, it is now changed to Detroit Triumph in Shelby Twp.. Location information and timing is found on the main page of this website.